22 August 2009

how's life?

bagi gue, posting itu bakal jd kegiatan selamanya. gue seneng bgt cerita, boleh dibilang gue anaknya open banget. tmn-tmn yg blm terlalu deket aja kadang udh tau cerita-cerita gue gt hehe abisnyaaaa gue gakbisa hidup tanpa cerita ke orang.

ngeliat banyaknya orang-orang di sekitar gue yang udh jarang nge-blog sekarang, termasuk gue... not bcause im not interested anymore or im gettin bored, but i have a BIG BIG BIG problems now. cant tell it here but those are about my ffffckn acceleration class that makes my mom dad EVEN MY LIFE are turnin' upside down. ok ill try to face it. next day i promise to write on this thingy as many as i used to be.

liat sidebar gue yg dibagian 'KENANGAN',
june masih 30
july tinggal 15
august cuman 7 padahal udh akhir bulan
see? gue lebih niat posting dan lebih merasa 'hidup' pada bulan june dan sebelumnya, yang masih gue jalani sama la dextravales. i mean ALL of ladextravales (yea you know that now im still with 3/4 of it)
kehidupan SMA gue.... pretty cool.
duit bulanan nambah, hp baru, jatah pulsa nambah, dibolehin macem-macem, dll. cuman kurang lengkap aja gitu tanpa semua dr angkatan gue yg dulu.
tp yaa gue ngga blh gt:) skrg angkatan gue juga nyatu banget kok dengan tambahan beberapa orang dr sekolah lain. semoga ini sifatnya permanen ya sampe kita lulus bakal tetep kayak gini.... i hope ill graduate w/you all (you know what i mean, yea. that fcccccckkkkkkkin acceleration class)

oya! labschoolian, dont forget to register on this coooooooolest forum in the whole world:

oh my tummy is shcbviwurecbvi3rbvc right now
im hungry :3
happy fasting, keep your stomach from foods, keep your mouth from dirty words and keep your heart from dirty tasha DIH PAANCOBA LU TAS GEJE HAHA DAA~

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