08 January 2009


ini pr dari mentari udh dari kapan gitu dikasih pr knp baru dibikin tas? krn sibuk hehe

The Rules : The rules are simple. Use google image to search the answers to the quetions below. Then you must choose a picture in the first page of results, and post it as your answer. After that tag 7 people.

1. The Age of My Next Birthday

jangan lupa 23maret!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2. The Place I'd Like To Travel

KUTUB!!!!!! pokoknya pgn bgt melihara pinguin heehe

3. Favorite Place


4. Favorite Food

macaron, apalagi yg di pisa cafe sama di bakerz'in, mmmhhhhh

5. Favourite Thing

kenapa tangan gue susah lepas dari nintendo wii, apalagi main order up!!

6. Favourite Colour


7. City I was born

DKI Jakarta dunnnnn

9. a Nickname i had

TASHA, yg bagusan cuma ini, yg lain gambar anjing, oke banget

10.college major

psychology, pgn bisa ngerti perasaan orang

11. name of my love

my grandfather, org yg top

12. Bad Habbit

biting nails!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

13. Hobby

nulis curahan hati dong (gaul bukan hehe)
14. Wishlist
ngebahagiain ibu ayah di masa tua nya, sama semoga saya &semua org yg saya kenal masuk surga amin
buat siapa ya buat siapa aja deh oiya buat icha pute taya trs siapa lagi lah uptoyou ambil aja okzz

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