06 January 2009

homework (sok english)

ada pr dr taya (biasanya gue males ngerjain tapi hari ini gada kerjaan sih okey)

1. take a recent photo of yourself or take a picture of yourself right now
2. dont change your clothes, dont fix your hair, just take a picture
3. post that picture with no editing
4. post instruction with your picture
5. tag 10 people to do this

maklum ya pake piyama namanya juga udah malem uahuahuaha

hmmm kasih pr buat siapa ya? kayaknya semua udh pada dapet gt yakaaaaan yaudah deh buat pute audi chiesa citra sama siapa aja deh terserah elo hauhauahuahuahauhauhauahuahuaauha dada

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