16 May 2009

another boring sat

woke up at 06 o'clock, by Norvin's goodmorning-call:)) awal yg indah.

jam 12an gue ke apartemen. setelah nge cek beberapa hal, laper kan gue jadinya ke plaza indonesia aja yg deket, mau makan. terus makan sari ratu gitukan trs papi(kakek) gue nelfn, dia nanya gue sama bokap gue dmn katanya dia di ps. yaudah gue ke ps kan nemenin dia bentar abis itu dia pulang. trs gue sama bokap gue jalan ke sency mau kencan. HAHA kencan. trs jam 6an gitu gue nemenin bokap gue ke kantornya, daerah benhil. terus gue main internet aja disana lama gitu abis itu pulang krn gue capek.

membosankan bukan? ya. sgt. ah ini gara gara lusa gue ujian sekolah. gaboleh jauh jauh sama bokap katanya, gakboleh keluyuran hahaha ah ayah mah. oiya kemana kah nyokap gue? dia di italy. ngapaiiiiin? kerja hohoho asik ye. ah jadi inget postingan gue yg ini. click.

udh baca? itu norvin, hahaha pas nyokap gue ke italy waktu itu tapi, bulan desember. ah sumpah gue kangen masa masa itu. dmn kehidupan gue berjalan sangat lancar, nggak ada beban. yg ada cuman kesenengan. ah nggak kok, semuanya dlm hidup kan berputar. someday i'll find my new favourite condition. even there's many sadness, someday i'll understand. life is unpredictable right?

ohiya, just wanna share some pictures of my happy family. the one who can cheer me up even there's many problem on my mind. no other word that can describe my sincere remark, except: THANKS MOM&DAD ;)

hahahaha, laugh on it.

i love my hyperactive family, so much. no one can replace you both in my life. thanks:D

maybe this post will be the last post which mention 'boring sat' words. cause all the school exams will over on next week, so...... next sat will be a fun day with my friends at segarra. cant wait, bytheway i love you all my brc! our school activities will TOTALLY OVER NEXT WEEK! and on 3rd of June, there'll be our farewell party, right? aaahhhhh cant wait:( but cant imagine how lonely my life without my LDXV:(((( 

lah gue juga gangerti knp tiba tiba pake bahasa inggris.
Goodnight all, have a nice sunday tommorow, bytheway.

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